
Seminar on Accessibility and audiovisual translation by ARENA

Tue, 10/11/2020 - 13:45
Screenshot of the ARENA's online seminar

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Anna Matamala has presented EASIT

at the third seminar

organised by the ARENA research group,

from the Universidad

de Educación a Distancia (UNED).


The seminar has taken place today

and was devoted to accessibility

and audiovisual translation.

EASIT event 4

Thu, 15/10/2020 - 17:15
Screenshot of EASIT online event

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EASIT event 4

has been organised

by the Universidade de Vigo

and has taken place today.


More than 114 participants

have registered to attend 

the first virtual event

of the EASIT project.

It has been held online

at the Campus do Mar MOOC platform.


The videos will be available

until Monday, October 19th,

at 11:59 CEST.

It has had very positive feedback

so far.


You can access the event here.

Accessibility and audiovisual translation

Sat, 26/09/2020 - 10:15
Accessibility and audiovisual translation virtual conference announcement

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Anna Matamala has presented

EASIT and RAD projects

at a virtual conference

organised by the

Universidad Autónoma de Manizales,

in Colombia.

The presentation was entitled

"Accessibility and audiovisual translation

in a changing world".

You can access it here.

EASIT event 4, an Erasmus Days event

Mon, 21/09/2020 - 11:00
Erasmus Days logo

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Universidade de Vigo

is organising EASIT's fourth event.

It will take place

online on October 15, 2020.

It will be part of the Erasmus Days.

Erasmus Days are three days of celebration

to spread the word about projects

of the Erasmus+ Programme,

such as EASIT. 


You have more information

about it here.

The EASIT project at En sincronía

Mon, 31/08/2020 - 11:00

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Anna Matamala presented

EASIT as a ground-breaking project

towards cross-cutting accessibility.

She was interviewed in August

at En sincronía,

a new Hispanic American podcast

about audiovisual translation.


You can access the interview here.

Easy Language Day

Thu, 28/05/2020 - 09:45

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EASIT celebrates 

Easy Language Day

on 28 May 2020

taking part in a video.


You can access the video here.

EASIT, TransMedia Catalonia and the Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Thu, 21/05/2020 - 10:45
Transmedia Catalonia and GAAD logos

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May 21st is

the Global Accessibility

Awareness Day (GAAD).

It takes place every year

all around the world

and it aims at raising awareness

about the importance

of digital accessibility

for a more inclusive society.


This year the TransMedia Catalonia

research group

of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

is contributing to GAAD

in the form of accessible videos

with subtitles and

integrated audio description.

Researcher Anna Fernández Torné

presents the EASIT project in one video.

EASIT is one of the many

ongoing projects 

of TransMedia Catalonia.


You can access the EASIT video here.

You can access all videos

created by Transmedia Catalonia

for GAAD here.


An article on EASIT in MonTI

Wed, 06/05/2020 - 16:15

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An article on the expert

in the creation, adaptation and validation

of easy-to-understand content

has been published in MonTI.

The article deals with this new

educational and professional profile

in the Spanish language.

The article also presents

the EASIT project.


MonTI is a journal

specialised in Translation and Interpreting.

This year's number is devoted

to Translation and Media Accessibility.



You can access the article here.

You can access MonTI's issue 

on Translation and Media Accessiblity here.


ACPA presents EASIT in its first newsletter

Thu, 30/04/2020 - 10:45
ACPA's newsletter. Spring 2020

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ACPA is the Catalan Association

for the Promotion of Accessibility.

It was created in January 2020.

It is a non-profit organisation

addressed to accessibility users,

professionals and researchers

to promote accessibility 

and guarantee the inclusion

of all persons in society. 


In their first newsletter

the EASIT project has been presented.


You can access the newsletter here.

You can have more information

about the association here.


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