Università degli Studi di Trieste

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Università degli Studi di Trieste

We are a university.

Our name is University of Trieste.

The name in Italian is Università degli Studi di Trieste.

Trieste is a city in Italy.

The University of Trieste has 10 departments.

The University offers many degree and post-degree programmes.



2 people from the University of Trieste work for EASIT.

Elisa Perego is the main researcher.

She is in charge of Output 1.


Laura Simonin is the financial manager.

She is in charge of the project documents and money.


Elisa Perego works at SSLMIT.

SSLMIT is the short form for a university department.

The specialisation of this department is translation and interpreting.

In the SSLMIT department we do research

also in audiovisual translation.


Who has written this information?

Elisa Perego has written this text.

She works at the University of Trieste.

You can write her an e-mail,

and ask her questions about the University.

Envelope Her e-mail address is: eperego@units.it



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