Output 1


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Main target readers:

professionals and scholars 

of E2U content.


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Output 1. ​Practice and training

There is not enough training

on how to make information easy to understand.

This training is important.


We need to know more about:

  • training 
  • practice

​​​in different European countries.


We will talk to people who:

  • create easy-to-understand information
  • translate or adapt information 
  • validate information 
  • teach how to create easy-to-understand information


The result will be a document.

The document will be useful

for anyone interested in easy-to-understand information.


If you want to know more about the document,

you can ask Elisa Perego.

Elisa Perego has written this information.

She is in charge of this Output.

Envelope Her e-mail address is: eperego@units.it


Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B