Output 5


You can download Output 5 here.


Main target readers: trainers.

Educational content can be useful

for trainers, professionals

and self-learners.


You can read an easy summary of Output 5


Download MP3

Output 5. Teaching materials

EASIT will create teaching materials.


The teaching materials can be

videos or documents.


The teaching materials will explain

how to write 

and how to adapt

easy-to-understand content.



The teaching materials will be in different languages.

For example, Catalan, English, Italian, Galician, German,

Spanish, Slovenian and Swedish.


The teaching materials will be free.

Everybody will be able to use the teaching materials.

For example, people will be able to use the teaching materials: 

  • at a university course
  • at a course in an association
  • at home



If you want to know more about the teaching materials,

you can ask Anna Matamala.

Anna Matamala has written this information.

She is in charge of this Output.

Envelope Her e-mail-address is: anna.matamala@uab.cat


Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B