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EASIT is a project on making information easy to understand.

You can make information easy to understand

using Easy-to-Read language

and Plain Language.


EASIT is the short form for Easy Access for Social Inclusion Training.

The project started on 1 September 2018

and will finish on 31 August 2021.


This webpage is in Easy-to-Read language.

Easy-to-Read is making information

easy to understand.

But some words are difficult to understand.

We have written those words in bold

and we have explained them in the text.


In EASIT, we will create materials

to train experts on making information easy to understand.


The experts will then create

easy-to-understand audio-visual information.

Audio-visual information is the information 

you can watch and listen to at the same time. 

For example, the information on television 

or videos like YouTube videos.


This webpage includes information about:

  • the people who work in the project
  • the results the project will produce
  • the events the project will organise
  • news of the project
  • how to contact us


To access the information you can:

  • use the links
  • use the menu on top of this page


EASIT is a European project.

The project code is 2018-1-ES01-KA203-05275.


If you want to ask any questions,

you can ask Anna Matamala.

Anna Matamala is in charge of this project.

She is the project coordinator.


Envelope Her e-mail address is:

Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B