Easy summary of Output 4



1. What did we do?

We created training programmes for 3 professional profiles.

The three professional profiles are:

  • expert in easy-to-understand subtitles,
  • expert in easy-to-understand audio descriptions,
  • and expert in easy-to-understand audiovisual news.

These training programmes say what experts must study.

A training program is also called a curriculum.

If we have more than one curriculum, then we say curricula.


2. What are the results?

We created 3 curricula for university courses:

  • a curriculum to train experts in easy-to-understand subtitles,
  • a curriculum to train experts in easy-to-understand audio descriptions,
  • and a curriculum to train experts in easy-to-understand audiovisual news.

We also created a MOOC.

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course.

We also created a reading list.

In the reading list you can find references about the 3 professional profiles.


You can find all the materials on the EASIT webpage.

They are available in open access on DDD.

To access the results please click here.


3. Who can use these results?

Are you a trainer?

Then, you can use the curricula to design your courses.


Are you a learner?

Then, you can use the materials to see what you must study.


Do you have any questions?

Then, you can contact Sergio Hernández Garrido.

His email address is: hernande@uni-hildesheim.de

Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B