Easy summary of Event 1



1. What was the aim of Event 1?

Event 1 was on 7 March 2019.

The event was in Munich, Germany,

and the SDI München organised it.


The aim of the event was to present

the results of Intellectual Output 1.


47 participants attended the event.


2. What did we do in the event?

There were 6 presentations.

3 speakers were partners from the EASIT project

and 3 were invited guests.

The guest speakers were:


  • Margarita Serrano García.
    She works at the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Silvia Hansen-Schirra.
    She works at the Johannes Gutemberg University in Mainz/Germersheim, in Germany.
  • Carlo Eugeni talked about live subtitling and easy-to-understand language. He works in Pisa.



3. Where can I watch the presentations and the videos?

You can watch the presentations

and the videos on the EASIT webpage,

under Events / Event 1.


Do you have any questions?

Then, you can ask Rocío Bernabé Caro.

Her email address is: rocio.bernabe@sdi-muenchen.de


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