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EASIT at CTIS Research Seminars

Fri, 20/11/2020 - 10:45
Screenshot of the event at University of Manchester, CTIS Research Seminars 2020-2021

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Anna Matamala presented EASIT

as part of the CTIS Research Seminars

on November 19.


The seminar was organised

by the School of Arts,

Languages and Cultures

of the Univerity of Manchester.

The title of the seminar was

"Media Accessibility: New environments,

New Hybrid Audiovisual Modalities".

Anna Matamala explained

the work done so far

towards the production of new

"hybrid" transfer modes,

such as "easy subtitles", 

as a result of merging 

the concepts of easy language

and audiovisual translation.


You can acces the presentation here.


Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B