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A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings

These are materials I have compiled for students and scholars to learn to read Buddhist texts in Chinese. This is very much a work in progress; suggestions for improvement are welcome. Alex Amies has prepared a web-based version for volumes 1 and 2. Unlike the version below, which is a simple PDF for download, this version allows you to hover over characters to see their definitions from the glossary. (The latest version of Volume 1 is the PDF version; I need to update the following): http://www.primerbuddhism.org/

Aprende chino con Hanyu

¿Estás estudiando chino? Pues gracias a los podcasts de Hanyu Chinese School podrás practicar tu chino escuchando diálogos en chino y repasar aspectos gramaticales y culturales del idioma chino mandarín.

Chilling Chinese

Founded by Karen Zhou.

Chinese Gratis

Chinese culture is known as one of the oldest and most traditional cultures in the world. It was born more than 5000 years ago and till now it is one of the most beautiful of all cultures. The sophisticated traditions of calligraphy, language, and art is respected by many Western and Eastern cultures. Moreover, Chinese is more used in a business world. Therefore, more and more people from Europe and America admire Chinese traditions and want to learn Mandarin. Chinesetools.eu is an answer to everyone who is interested in Chinese culture, history, and traditions. It is also a perfect tool for learning mandarin and great entertainment! If you want to learn Chinese and get information regarding this beautiful culture or simply just use some fun tools, Chinesetools.eu is the website for you. We assure you with all the information you will find on our website are reliable and true. Prepared by native Chinese speakers for all enthusiasts of the Chinese language and culture.

Chinese Pronunciation Tester

Recommended phrases: We have prepared the most used Chinese phrases. Select the phrases you want to practice and test your pronunciation. Your own sentences: First, write a sentence to speak in Chinese. Then, tap the microphone icon and proceed with speaking. Click the Evaluate button to check your score for pronunciation.

Chinese Tools (extension)

Useful Chinese learning tools, can be used to convert text into Pinyin/Zhuyin, Trad./Simp. version, or generate a vocabulary list. Tools provided in this extension includes: - Chinese to Pinyin/Zhuyin conversion - Traditional/Simplified Chinese conversion - Vocabulary list generator - Dictionary lookup - Translate to English - Chinese text to speech

Chinese Worksheet Generator

Generate Chinese Practice Sheets For Free

Chinese Zero to Hero (Instagram)

A one-stop resource to help you learn Chinese by comprehensible input.

Chinese Zero to Hero (Youtube)

Welcome to the Chinese Zero to Hero on YouTube! We are dedicated to helping those who want to learn and improve their Chinese language skills at all levels. Through our video tutorials, you will have the opportunity to learn the most practical spoken and written Chinese skills, deepen your understanding of Chinese culture, and use Chinese fluently in daily life. Let's start from Zero together, brave the heights of Chinese learning, and become a true Chinese hero!


Calligrapher generates printer and tablet-friendly PDF worksheets to aid writing Chinese characters much like the worksheets that I used in elementary school. However, instead of having only traceable characters, Calligrapher gives customizable lexical context. With Calligrapher, your worksheets are labelled with pronunciations, radicals, stroke orders, as well as individual character translations. There are also different fonts to choose from, providing advanced Chinese learners with a template to improve cursive Chinese calligraphy. The development is still under way, but I wanted to give all Chinese language learners a sneak peak of this nifty tool. More features are currently in the making. To accomodate the spaced repetition learning technique, flashcards with animated stroke orders and voice pronunciations as well as quizzes based on past user text input will soon be available.

Chino con Lulú

Profesora de chino mandarín y cantonés. Clase online.

Droplets: Drops 对于孩子


Everyday Easy Chinese (Instagram)

We make Chinese Mandarin easy. Learn with our flashcards and short lessons.

Hacking Chinese

This website is dedicated to unveiling the mysteries of learning a language in general and about learning Chinese in particular. If you don’t take responsibility and think for yourself, it will take ages to reach a decent level, but if you become aware of how to learn and study efficiently, fluency is within reach.

Hanzi Xiaobai

Learning Chinese one tab at a time. Hanzi Xiaobai (Chinese Newbie) allows you to practice your Chinese skills each time you open a new tab on your favourite web browser. You can explore and play with more than 3000 of the most common Chinese characters! We also compiled a list of the best resources: books, apps, podcasts and tutors (no affiliation, we genuinely recommend them) for the ones who want to dive deeper into that beautiful language. Features - Get a random Chinese character with its pinyin and English definition every time you open a new tab - Listen to the correct Chinese pronounciation by a native - Read sentences picked from famous books and quotes using that specific character. - Watch as the character get drawn with the correct stroke order on the screen - Practice drawing the character yourself with help or not - Choose your own HSK (official Chinese test) levels to practice only characters that are meaningful to you


HanziCraft is a web application that takes you into the depths of Chinese characters. It aims to provide information on Chinese characters in a easy clean format with awesome useful information.

Introduction to Classical Chinese

This textbook was first compiled by Professor Patrick Hanan at Harvard University in 1984. In the introduction, Professor Hanan acknowledged his appreciation to those who had contributed to the completion and revision of the book. Since then many graduate teaching fellows from the department of EALC at Harvard have provided invaluable suggestions for the revision of this textbook: Margaret Baptist Wan, Anthony George, Xiaofei Tian, Regina Llamas and Hu Hisao-chen. This revised version of textbook includes the grammar notes prepared by Professor David Lattimore who taught at Harvard during the 1992 academic year and the glossary of grammar terms by Professor Judith Zeitlin. Paul Rouzer’s commentary to the first 16 lessons have been included in this edition. Some changes were made for the purpose of consistency and convenience by Shang Wei and Le-ning Liu, and later by Andrew Schonebaum. Andrew Schonebaum and Kong Mei edited and produced the online version in 2021, with the permission of Professor Hanan’s granddaughters Joanna Hanan Billings and Liz Hanan. We are grateful to all those mentioned here and to readers who will create and share subsequent editions. Andrew Schonebaum Kong, Mei

Laixue Mandarin 来学普通话 (Instagram)

¡Hola a todos! Servicios de traducción y clases personalizadas de chino mandarín.

Language Reactor

语言反应器是一个强大的语言学习工具箱。 它可帮您发现、理解母语材料并从中学习。 学习将会更有效、更有趣、更快乐!

Learn Chinese Tones — Full 90-Minute Course

This is the way to master Mandarin Chinese tones, whether you’re just starting out or have studied a bit but still struggle with voicing and identifying the tones. The 90-minute course combines the expertise of native Mandarin Chinese speakers with tricks and methods from non-native speakers who learned Chinese fluently. A video with just the voicing practice (and no other instruction) will be ready soon, and an app version of this course is in the works farther down the line – any updates will appear in this video description.

Learn Mandarin Chinese / 中文好好玩

嗨Hi! We’re So Fun Mandarin. Audio vocabs. Common everyday expressions in stories.

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin is a podcast that teaches you everyday conversational Taiwanese Mandarin and some cultural knowledge about Taiwan. Most suitable for intermediate to advanced learners, it's all in Chinese (from the 4th episode), and if there are advanced words, I will explain them using slower and easier Chinese words and sentences! With more episodes coming out, I'll also teach you some useful Taiwanese / Hokkien. 跟我一起用中文學習中文吧!

LTL Mandarin School

We help you study Chinese online & in 10+ destinations. 200+ Google Reviews. Start Today!

Mandarin Click

In our channel you will find content to study Chinese in the format of stories. At the moment most of our videos are part of the Slow Chinese series (videos including pinyin, hanzi, pictures and optional translation in English and Spanish) but we also have some videos with on-screen translations (literal meanings) and others with Chinese spoken at different speeds. We will keep exploring new ways of creating engaging stories for more student levels, and we wish you great success in your language learning journey! 加油!

MDBG Chinese Dictionary

Welcome to the MDBG free online English to Chinese dictionary, the no. 1 Chinese study aid! This website offers more than just a dictionary, it offers various tools such as: flashcards, quizzes, text annotation, Chinese text input and more. The MDBG dictionary is used in many schools and universities all over the world, discover why! Help information is provided in the help page. Help links can be found in the dictionary pages which link directly to the related subject in the help page.



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